

SATURDAY 12.04.25


Jed is an Anglo-American guitarist, multi-instrumentalist and singer. With humble beginnings in the deep south, of England, Jed first picked up the guitar at age eleven. He grew up in a household with eccentric parents and a healthy input of a variety of music, from Bach to Mississippi John Hurt. With a deep joy of playing all kinds of music, he also carries on the flame of old time blues, jazz and gospel music in his solo performances. 

"Jed is single handedly one of the best guitarists in the country, with both hands he's one of the best in the world. If an old timey blues player made love to an angel and gave birth to a baby on Pluto, that baby would no doubt grow up to be just like Jed Cutler. His live show is extra terrestrial, unpredictable and breathtakingly beautiful.” - Gracie

Listen to his music here.

Jed will be playing from 3pm. FREE ENTRY.